PTT Global Chemical
6.7 megawatt-peak (MWp) solar rooftop system Installation
Country: Thailand

PTT Global Chemical is Thailand’s largest integrated petrochemical and refining business and a leading corporation in the Asia-Pacific region, with a target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for 20 percent by 2030 on its journey towards achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050.
The 6.7 MWp solar photovoltaic (PV) system will provide renewable energy for GC’s 5 production facilities in Thailand.
As a global chemical company committed to creating a better quality of life for all, the installation of the solar rooftops further demonstrates GC Group’s commitment to reduce their carbon footprint and fulfill their sustainability targets while saving power costs, without any business disruption.
Rooftop PV installation
Power purchase agreement
System size
Renewable energy generated
Solar PV modules
Key figures

4,300 tons / year
CO2 emissions avoided

64,500 trees
Equivalent number planted

915 cars
Equivalent number taken off the road