Gaisano Capital Portfolio
1.66 MW Rooftop Solar PV Installation
Country: Phippines

Gaisano Capital is a chain of malls and supermarkets with over 35 branches across the Philippines.
Build on the foundation of diligence and philanthropy Gaisano Capital’s commitment to be an institutional partner in caring for the environment. With this commitment a 1.66 MW Solar Photovoltaic system is currently being installed on the roof of four (4) Gaisano Capital Malls.
PV system will offset a significant portion of mall’s electricity expenses. Other potential savings are on insulation cost, as solar-mounted PV are significantly cooler lower than exposed roofs. In addition, GAISANO CAPITAL shall take the lead on corporate environmentalism and renewable energy adoption in the region.
Contract period
System size
Renewable energy generated
Solar PV modules
Key figures

Calapan Masbate Binangonan San Carlos