PT Bintang Indokarya Gemilang

1.7 megawatt-peak (MWp) solar rooftop system Installation

Country: Indonesia

With more than 4,500 solar modules installed, the PV system generates approximately 3,740 megawatt-hours (MWh) of renewable electricity annually. This not only brings about significant cost savings for PT Bintang Indokarya Gemilang but also reduces the company’s overall annual carbon footprint by about 3,030 tons of CO2 emissions – equivalent to planting over 45,450 trees or getting 650 cars off the road.

PT Bintang Indokarya Gemilang, a subsidiary of PT Panarub Industry, is a prominent footwear manufacturer in Indonesia. Renowned for its extensive production capabilities in Brebes, Central Java, the company is recognized for producing footwear for a globally renowned sportswear brand.

Rooftop PV installation​

0 years

Power purchase agreement



System size

0 MWh / year

Renewable energy generated

Key figures

3,030 tonnes / year​

CO2 emissions avoided


Equivalent number planted

660 cars

Equivalent number taken off the road​